Friday, November 5, 2010

Election Aftermath

The political landscape will be very strange for the next two years.  Our current Governor, Joe Manchin won the special election to fill the last two years of the Late Senator Byrd's seat in the US Senate.  This creates a void in the Governor's Mansion.  According to the West Virginia Constitution, the vacancy is filled by the State Senate President, but only in the capacity of Acting Governor.  Let the political backstabbing begin.

The wording is such that the Acting Governor position may not permanently confer on the current Senate President, Earl Ray Tomblin.  The Acting Governor may be whoever holds the title of Senate President.  So conceivably, we could have a new Acting Governor anytime someone got enough votes to become Senate President.  This means a fragile, weak government for the next two years.  As the Acting Governor will be trying to keep his majority in the Senate together and fulfill the duties of Governor at the same time.

As long as Sen. Tomblin keeps his fellow Democrats in the Senate happy he should be able to push things through.  It will be interesting so see what the House of Delegates does.  This tips the legislative power heavily towards the Senate.

Like I said.  It should be interesting to watch.

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